Kim? Contemporary Art Centre
Baingio Pinna “From Kandinsky’s paintings to the Watercolour illusion: A new theory of colour filling-in”

On Thursday, 25 February at 19:00 Kim? and the Center for the Cognitive Sciences and Semantics, University of Latvia invited everyone to attend a lecture on visual perception and research of perception by prof. Baingio Pinna, Sassari University, Italy.

The Watercolour Illusion (WCI) is a long-range assimilative spread of colour (filling-in) emanating from a thin coloured line running contiguous to a darker chromatic contour. Kandinsky’s paintings show examples of filling-in related to the WCI. Filling-in reveals the dissociation between the retinal input and the percept, and raises fundamental questions about brain activities. In his lecture Prof. Pinna described experiments, based on the WCI and Kandinsky’s insights, by examining the psychophysical conditions, the main laws and possible neural mechanisms associated with this remarkable phenomenon.

Baingio Pinna is a Full Professor of Psychology at the University of Sassari, Italy. He is one of the leading researchers working on visual perception and visual illusions in particular. Prof. Pinna has formulated several illusions and several principles of perceptual organization of visual field (e.g., Pinna illusions and Watercolor Illlusions). He is a winner of several awards and he has been lecturing at Harvard, Sorbonne and Boston Univeristies to mention just a few. Prof. Pinna is the editor of Spatial Vision and Seeing and Perceiving and has published 4 books and more than 156 referred papers.