Kim? Contemporary Art Centre
Kim? Summer Photo School 2010 Exhibition

From 2 until 9 August, 2010, 20 youths, many of whom came to Spīķeri from different regions of Latvia, participated in Kim? Summer Photo School. During the school, the young photographers gained new knowledge and skills in photography. The week has resulted in an exhibition which showcases works created under the auspices of photographer Raimo Lielbriedis and depicts Riga as seen through the eyes of the young photographers.

Exhibition displays works by Monta Ančevska, Sofija Bolotņikova, Emīls Desjatņikovs, Ieva Druveniece, Irēna Dzedzele, Madara Ermansone, Laura Frīdenberga, Alvis Kundziņš, Anda Lātsa, Berta Lerhe, Krista Masaļska, Santa Pastare, Edgars Priedītis, Zanda Puče, Silvija Smiltniece, Santa Sirmoviča, Emīls Vanags, Anna Vilāne, Ieva Voita, Eduards Zvejnieks.