On Thursday, 17 June at 19:30 everyone is invited to attend “Transbiotics” lecture “Materialities of Textures”: Jens Hauser (FR), Zane Berzina (LV) and Paul Vanouse (USA).
Curator and writer Jens Hauser will introduce the scientifically inspired artworks by festival participating artists Zane Berzina (LV) and Paul Vanouse (USA). These works explore the importance and the role of material traces in techno-scientific apparatuses and the effects these physical “fragments of the real” have onto the viewer. Unlike figurative images, these analogue textures owe their efficiency to their status as “technological imprints” that appear as presence more than of representation.
In her talk Zane Berzina will discuss the concept and the collaborative research process behind “E-Static Shadows” installation while Paul Vanouse will introduce his work with emerging technological forms in fields of art, biological experiments and interactive installations.
The lecture takes place in the framework of XII Festival for New Media Culture “Art+Communication” and The 6th European Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts “SLSA-EU 2010”.