Kim? Contemporary Art Centre
“Padsmit minūtes” (Formative Years)

Exhibition part of the Kim? 15th Anniversary Programme


Ēriks Apaļais, Ulla fon Brandenburg, Michael Dean, Jānis Dzirnieks, Krista Dzudzilo, Andris Eglītis, Ieva Epnere, Santa France, Edgars Gluhovs, Daiga Grantiņa, Margrieta Griestiņa, Kaspars Groševs, Annemarija Gulbe, Indriķis Ģelzis, Donna Huanca, Tobias Kaspar, Ieva Kraule-Kūna, Ella Kruglyanskaya, Sanya Kantarovsky, Agate Lielpētere, Paulis Liepa, MAREUNROL’S, Darja Meļņikova, Karlīna Mežecka, Miķelis Mūrnieks, Pakui Hardware, Ieva Putniņa, Krišs Salmanis, Jaanus Samma, Sabīne Šnē, Rūdolfs Štamers,  Viktor Timofeev, Evita Vasiļjeva, Sabīne Vernere, Amanda Ziemele


Exhibition curator: Zane Onckule


12 June–July 7, 2024

Kim? Contemporary Art Centre (Sporta iela 2, Riga)

Opening: 11 June at 6 pm


The title* of the exhibition references the best-known work of the internationally recognized Latvian-born film director Herz Frank (1926–2013): Ten Minutes Older, the calling card of the Riga school of documentary cinema. The basis of this laconic and, at the same time, conceptually loaded short film, included in the presentation, is a recording of children’s faces during a chronologically short period of life, progressing through a partially intentional directed dramaturgy – “inhalation, culmination and exhalation” (Frank) and serving as a visualization of the ability to capture the moment, to sense, and to foresee.


These aspects also represent essential associated qualities in the work of Kim?, which after 15 (formative) years, continues to be preoccupied with the context of making art, the conditions and methods of producing works, circumvention of the conventions of exhibition-making, the actualization of historical references and sources as well as interaction- and collaboration-based strategies directed towards mutually interested symbiosis between the institution, participants in its program and visitors.


The exhibition comprises an overview of recent works by participants in previous exhibitions at Kim?, which demonstrates the trajectory, established style, and subsequent development of their respective creative practices. The eclecticism of the presentation echoes the institution’s conscious artistic, discursive, and aesthetic heterogeneity and the principle “I am different things in different contexts” which makes it possible to conjure up a discursive field among such otherwise limiting labels as “conceptual”, “formal”, “object-orientated” and “politically tinged”.


Presented following the principle of the Salon, Formative Years functions as a selective overview and a look back at the exhibition program of Kim?, at the same time celebrating the continuation of relationships both with the participants in this exhibition and with other artists, who, on this occasion remain “out of the frame”.


We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants in the exhibition, the managers of the artists’ studios, and the galleries Peres Projects, Herald St, Bortolami, Temnikova & Kasela.


* The word “padsmit” in the exhibition’s Latvian title refers to any number between 10 and 20


Supported by:

The Ministry of Culture, State Culture Capital Foundation, Valmiermuiža